My latest happy lappy story!!!.. yesterday i just paid a pre-order registration fee.. fee ape ye?
Ni haaa.. fee nak dapat kan mende kat bawah ni..

lawa x? lawa x?
dia cakap pickup date in 30 days..
tak sabarnye nak amik video gune phone ni..
Adapun keluarnya air mani hanya kerana berfikir lucah dan melihat dengan syahwat, ia tidaklah batal menurut sebahagian ulama termasuk mazhab Syafie, Hanafi. (Al-Mughni, 4/159)
Manakala mazhab Hanbali dan Maliki mengatakannya batal.
Walau bagaimanapun, saya lebih cenderung dengan pendapat yang mengatakannya batal kerana ia benar-benar bercanggah dengan tujuan dan maqasid puasa dalam Islam. Selain itu, ia juga adalah sama dengannya keluar mani kerana sentuhan.
Keluar air mani kerana bermimpi di siang hari Ramadhan atau kerana sakit tertentu. Sepakat ulama menyatakan ia tidak membatalkan puasa.
resource: http://www.zaharuddin.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=595&Itemid=72
Manchester United is CHAMPIONS of English Premier League (EPL) yet again after Chelsea failed to match United’s win last night. Chelsea could only drew 1-1 with Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium, London. The 2007 EPL title is Manchester United’s 9th title in 15 years. What a remarkable achievement it has been for Sir Alex Ferguson.
I’ve been supporting Manchester United since the start of the EPL. Sir Alex has build 3 great teams in his 20 years in-charge. This years’ squad has the most interesting players and huge potential ahead of them after the likes of Beckhams, Butt and Philip Neville from the Class of ‘92 fledgling left.
Without doubts, Ronaldo plays huge part this year to bring the EPL title back to United since their last title in 2003. The 3 individual awards he won in England shows how good he is this year. Kudos to him for producing great and mature style of play week in week out this season. I really hope his form would continue for years to come.
Rooney, Ronaldo, Carrick, Park Ji Sung and the income Owen Hargreaves are definitely going to bring more success to the club. I would love to see United win the Champions League again after coming close again this season by reaching the semi-finals.
All you Manchester United Fans out there! Celebrate this title and enjoy it! Cheers!
Glory Glory Manchester UNITED!